Wow! This class really zoomed by. Ah, reflection time. Well, when looking through the past entries, I really enjoyed reading through everyone’s blog posts, especially the week where everyone revealed their least favorite songs. With titles like “Uptown Junk” or “Some Nights I Throw Up,” it was hard not re-read all of them a few times! Everyone was really creative and emotive with their writing, which was a really fun experience, personally, as an audience member! Looking at my own blog posts, I think I was able to define a pretty specific voice for myself: awkward, and somewhat too enthusiastic. You’re welcome readers! Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed participating in this format for class. It was awesome to be able to communicate with others on a topic I think we are all passionate about in our own ways. In addition, I found it very helpful to read others’ writing while also attempting to improve my own process. Looking at others’ I think helped me find and hone down my own writing voice, which was awesome! I liked sharing things with an audience and seeing their reactions to it. It was awesome to see everybody’s own personal taste and style of writing, and I felt that I learned about really cool music that I had no idea about! As far as auditory and visual awareness goes, this blog really helped me learn about what different styles or types of music catches people’s ears, or what they notice within the interactions of music, film, or performances. It was fun to be able to experiment with my own writing in a blog atmosphere. I am so used to extremely formal writing, without being able to play around with my own voice. So, to be able to share things I get excited about, and try to illustrate why in a more relaxed, informative tone was a great learning experience! Thanks everyone, and good luck with the rest of your year!

3 thoughts on “HEY, AGAIN!

  1. Yes! The word “emotive” perfectly describes how I would characterize the writing style in this class blog. There were so many times I would read a blog post and just laugh at how expressive and honest, at times, our informal voices can be. Mostly with the songs we dislike, I was shocked at how strongly worded people were, but I could totally relate to them, as it is such an emotional thing when you really dislike a song you have to hear a lot.
    I agree with you that your voice was distinct, I had a hard time remembering who was who but when you commented on my posts I thought I knew who you were. And don’t worry about being overly enthusiastic about things, it’s basically what I’m known for and I think it’s a great way to live. 🙂 Have a great summer!


  2. Hi! The blog post about everyone’s least favorite songs was definitely one of my favorites to read too! I thought people were so funny and creative with the titles of that post. It was also really funny to see how much people hated certain artists or lyrics and how much that particular song just rubbed them the wrong way! With each blog post I thought our classmates got increasingly more creative and insightful which really kept my interest in the class. I also liked the reactions that people had to my posts. I think this type of setting was a really unique way for people to better their writing skills. I had never blogged before, but now I definitely have a newfound appreciation for blogging! Have a great rest of your summer!


  3. I definitely have to agree with you ion the fact that this class had absolutely just zoomed by in the blink of an eye, it feels like we were just posting our first blog assignment and its honestly kind of bizarre as to how I find myself already typing up the final comments for our last blog post. It is pretty interesting to see how everyone here has been able to give their two cents on music they love or hate, I suppose that’s one of the many beauties of music, it always happens to evoke emotions and thoughts out of everyone. Its been a pleasure writing with you this summer, have a great next year.


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