Jammin’ to Jam Bands!

Ah, Rosie, the tiny spider that was lucky enough to have The String Cheese Incident write a song about her. The song titled “Rosie” is indeed about just that, a spider Bill Nershi decided to name Rosie. This is one of my favorite songs, I have seen it performed live many times and each time has been slightly different but just as wonderful and fun to dance to. I would classify this song under the broader Rock genre and sub-genre of jam band. First of all, each time the band performs “Rosie”, the instrumentation varies. The length of the song is unpredictable as well, the band literally jams together each performance in an unrehearsed frenzy that can go on for anywhere from six minutes to fifteen. Rosie is composed of a myriad of instruments – guitars, drums, keys, mandolin – to create a fun jam band sound. There is also a touch of electronica in the background.

The String Cheese Incident is one of my favorite bands, I have seen the group perform a total of seventeen times in the last two years. It is hard to classify each one of their songs into a specific genre, because often they stretch across multiple categories. Overall though, the band is known for producing long, rock jams. The song “Rosie” speaks to me because I have yet to see a Cheese performance that it hasn’t been played at. I have some awesome memories of being at shows when this song has come on, it’s also one of my favorites to dance to. The jam genre speaks to me because I love to dance and have fun, and listening to that type of music always puts me in a really good mood. I think I will continue to listen to this type of music for the rest of my life.

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