WTF Did I Just Watch?

If you know me at all, it’s no secret that I am not a big fan of artists like Katy Perry. I don’t think she is a bad singer, I actually like her voice, I just am not into the type of music that she and other artists commonly played on the radio have been producing. I have an old soul I guess, because I am more partial to the classics. Electronic sounding music is a rarity when browsing through my iTunes library.

So the music video for Katy Perry’s recent song “Dark Horse”, featuring Juicy J, is the most bizarre thing I have ever seen. First of all, the video is set in a computer-generated Egyptian type place. Katy Perry is adorned in way too much glitter and neon to look like she is from Egypt at all. The extras in the video are clad in skin tight metallic gold polyester jumpsuits. Call me crazy, but I’m pretty sure Egyptians did not turn into piles of pink glitter dust when they died either. Asthetically, the video is kind of cool I suppose. I would maybe wear the outfit Katy Perry has on for a futuristic Halloween party if I wanted to spend hours covering myself in glitter. There is a lot of pink in this video. A lot of pink. And although I don’t really see the association between a dark horse and Egypt, the video flashes to Katy and Juicy J in a club dancing around a strip pole. Now I know Egyptians did not have clubs and stripper poles, so there is no chance for ridicule there. At the end of the video one of the Egyptian pharaohs turns into a Pomeranian, like what does that have to do with anything? Basically, this video just confuses me and I think the concept is a little too far fetched from the topic to have any real parting influence on whoever just had to sit through it.

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